About Me

Hi. I’m Rodolfo Jacinto and Tequila Knight's my site. Thanks for checking it out!

Who are you?

I’m Rodolfo Jacinto, but friends call me Rudy. I'm from L.A. and have lived in Mexico for most of my life.

I’m also a part-time student, part-time sales consultant, and full-time tequila lover. I’ve lived in Guadalajara for the last 10 years, a city just an hour away from the town of Tequila.

It’s an honor and a privilege to write about Mexico’s supreme spirit.

Why Tequila Knight?

It's my goal to prove tequila is both a top-class spirit and the most fun liquor in the world. No other alcohol has as strong a connection with parties, music, and good living (ask Charlie Sheen).

This site is a response to the lack of information regarding tequila as a top-shelf spirit. It is my belief that Mexico cannot be understood without first understanding and experiencing tequila. It’s a source of national pride, a booming industry, and one of Mexico’s most accepted contributions to the world.

And you’re qualified to talk about tequila because…?

I’ve been actively involved in the tequila industry since late 2008, developing and promoting new tequila brands for Tequila Selecto de Amatitan, a medium-sized distillery. They took me under their wings and we've worked together ever since.

This site is independent from the distillery, but I will be working with them to deliver you all sorts of awesome goods. Premium tequila gifts, anyone?!

Anything else?

Just this... special thanks to my two tequila mentors: Mario Espinosa, owner of Tequila Selecto de Amatitan, and Rodolfo Jacinto Sr., the coolest dad ever.

Tequila Knight is dedicated to you.

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